Chickpeas, commonly known as “kabuli chana,” are a staple ingredient in the renowned Punjabi delicacy “chhole bhature.” These legumes are utilized both in whole and flour forms. Kabuli chana, renowned for its rich content of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber, is highly regarded for promoting a healthy lifestyle. In India, chickpeas are predominantly cultivated in the state of Madhya Pradesh, with the planting season typically beginning in February. India ranks among the world’s top producers of chickpeas. The leading exporters, suppliers, and manufacturers of chickpeas in India are primarily situated in Madhya Pradesh due to its superior production and quality. India stands as one of the largest global producers of chickpeas, followed by Australia, Turkey, Myanmar, Mexico, and Canada. The growing export trend of Indian chickpeas is expected to further increase due to the high demand for the quality produced here worldwide.